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教师文献研读 Faculty Journal Club

For more information, please contact Fuyu Dong (dfy@ynu.edu.cn).

Every Wednesday morning 10 o'clock, Interaction Area, 3rd Floor, Astronomy Building                  

时间 Time  报告人 Speaker 报告题目 Topic 地点 Place


Guangxing Li

Magnetic, Kinetic, and Transition regime: Spatially-segregated structure of compressive MHD turbulence

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Yuanpei Yang

How to Measure the Earth’s Size by Taking a Photo?

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Weikang Lin

DESI 2024 VI: Cosmological Constraints from the Measurements of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations; DESI 2024 V: Full-Shape Galaxy Clustering from Galaxies and Quasars; Early-Universe-Physics Insensitive and Uncalibrated Cosmic Standards: Constraints on Ωm and Implications for the Hubble Tension

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Chenxu Liu

Black holes regulate cool gas accretion in massive galaxies

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Shiyan Zhong

Partial tidal disruption events: the elixir of life

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Brajesh Kumar

The Einstein Probe transient EP240414a: Linking Fast X-ray Transients, Gamma-ray Bursts and Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transients

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Amol Ravindra Upadhye

Search for the Hawking radiation of primordial black holes: prospective sensitivity of LHAASO

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Xiangkun Liu

The Three Hundred: The existence of massive dark matter-deficient satellite galaxies in cosmological simulations

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Hayato Shimabukuro

Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with the Square Kilometre Array

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Chandra Bahadur Singh

Tilted Accretion Disks

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Xun Shi

Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Dezi Liu

Galaxy morphology from z ∼ 6 through the lens of JWST

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Jianhui Lian

Mapping the Milky Way with LAMOST - IV. The large Galactic disc extending to 35 kpc

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Fuyu Dong

Caught in the cosmic web: environmental effectson subhalo abundance and internal density profiles

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Yuan Fang

Wide Area VISTA Extra-galactic Survey (WAVES): Unsupervised star-galaxy separation on the WAVES-Wide photometric input catalogue using UMAP and HDBSCAN

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Brajesh Kumar

Discovery of a Relativistic Stripped Envelope Type Ic-BL Supernova at z = 2.83 with JWST

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Chenxu Liu

Filter Design for Estimation of Stellar Metallicity: Modeling the inner part of the jet in M87: Confronting jet morphology with theory

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Jinghua Zhang

Filter Design for Estimation of Stellar Metallicity: Insights from Experiments with Gaia XP Spectra

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Yuanpei Yang

A Nebular Origin for the Persistent Radio Emission of Fast Radio Bursts

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Amol Upadhye

KiDS-1000 and DES-Y1 combined: Cosmology from peak count statistics

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Shiyan Zhong

The unluckiest star: A spectroscopically confirmed repeated partial tidal disruption event AT 2022dbl

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Xiangkun Liu

SN H0pe: The First Measurement of H0 from a Multiply-Imaged Type Ia Supernova, Discovered by JWST

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Chandra Bahadur Singh

A supermassive black hole's persistent “hiccups” in a far-off galaxy

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Weikang Lin

Small Magellanic Cloud Cepheids Observed with the Hubble Space Telescope Provide a New Anchor for the SH0ES Distance Ladder

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Edoardo Lagioia

Differential reddening in 48 Globular Clusters: An end to the quest for the intracluster medium

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Hayato Shimabukuro

Simulation-Based Inference of Reionization Parameters From 3D Tomographic 21 cm Lightcone Images

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Jianhui Lian

An Isolated Stellar-mass Black Hole Detected through Astrometric Microlensing

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Xun Shi

Quasi-periodic sub-pulse structure as a unifying feature for radio-emitting neutron stars

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Guangxing Li

Discovery of a coherent, wave-like velocity pattern for the Radcliffe Wave --- The Radcliffe Wave is Oscillating --- Weather forecast of the Milky Way: shear and stellar feedback determine the lives of Galactic-scale filaments

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Fuyu Dong

The boundary of cosmic filaments

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Chenxu Liu

Inspiraling streams of enriched gas observed around a massive galaxy 11 billion years ago

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Chandra Bahadur Singh

Wind-fed GRMHD simulations of Sagittarius A*: tilt and alignment of jets and accretion discs, electron thermodynamics, and multiscale modelling of the rotation measure

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Brajesh Kumar

4m International Liquid Mirror Telescope (ILMT)

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Xiangkun Liu

Minutes-duration Optical Flares with Supernova Luminosities

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Xun Shi

Refractive lensing of scintillating FRBs by sub-parsec cloudlets in the multi-phase CGM

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Edoardo Prospero Lagioia

The Role of Cluster Mass in the Multiple Populations of Galactic and Extragalactic Globular Clusters

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Amol Ravindra Upadhye

Spoon or slide? The non-linear matter power spectrum in the presence of massive neutrinos

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Jinghua Zhang

Common dynamo scaling in slowly rotating young and evolved stars

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Guangxing Li

A massive Keplerian protostellar disk with flyby-induced spirals in the Central Molecular Zone

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Weikang Lin

Precessing jet nozzle connecting to a spinning black hole in M87

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Shiyan Zhong

Shocks Power Tidal Disruption Events

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Yuanpei Yang

A highly magnetized environment in a pulsar binary system

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Jianhui Lian

The Physical Thickness of Stellar Disks to z ∼ 2

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Fuyu Dong

Evidence for baryon acoustic oscillations from galaxy–ellipticity correlations

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Hayato Shimabukuro

The 21-cm forest as a simultaneous probe of dark matter and cosmic heating history

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


Xinzhong Er

Shock cooling of a red-supergiant supernova at redshift 3 in lensed images

SWIFAR Building 3rd-Floor Lobby


South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU