时间 Time |
报告人 Speaker |
报告题目 Topic |
地点 Place |
2025.01.09 16:00 pm
Eda Gjergo (NJU) |
Galactic Chemical Evolution and the synthesis of heavy isotopes with a variable Initial Mass Function |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2025.01.03 16:00 pm
Shuang Zhou (INAF-OAB) |
Unraveling Galaxy Evolution through Spectral Analysis |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.12.26 16:00 pm
Yassen Yesuf (SHAO) |
Discrepancies in Cosmological Simulations: Uncovering the Black Hole, Star Formation, and Dark Matter Connection in Nearby Galaxies |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.12.19 16:00 pm
Yingjie Peng (PKU) |
Galaxy kinematics, feedback and the role of dark matter halos |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.12.18 16:00 pm
Haojing Yan (University of Missouri-Columbia) |
Two Recent Discoveries Made at the JWST - extremely young galaxies at z=8.31-8.49 and a disk galaxy at z=5.289 |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.12.12 16:00 pm
Ning Jiang (USTC) |
The Search and Physics of Optical Tidal Disruption Events |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.12.05 16:00 pm
Xianzhong Zheng (SJTU) |
The evolution of star-forming galaxies across cosmic time: a perspective on dust attenuation |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.11.28 16:00 pm
Hongliang Yan (NAOC) |
Lithium Evolution in the Low-mass Evolved Stars with Kepler Asteroseismology and LAMOST Spectroscopy |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.11.26 16:00 pm
Hongming Zhu (NAOC) |
Cosmic Tidal Reconstruction and Parity-Violating Mode Analysis |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.11.21 16:00 pm
Yiping Shu (PMO) |
The Universe Under Cosmic Magnifying Glasses |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.11.20 16:00 pm
Yunwei Yu (Central China Normal University) |
快速旋转磁星驱动的极端超新星爆发现象 |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.11.14 16:00 pm
Song Huang (Tsinghua University) |
Bridging the Bright & Dark Side of Galaxy Evolution using Weak Gravitational Lensing |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.11.07 16:00 pm
Teppei Minoda (Tsinghua University) |
Probing the primordial magnetic fields |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.10.31 16:00 pm
Nicolas Martin (Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory) |
Galactic Archaeology: A window onto the details of galaxy formation |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.10.24 16:00 pm
Yu Rong (USTC) |
Formation and Evolution of Special Dwarf Galaxies |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.10.17 16:00 pm
Yi Zheng (Sun Yat-Sen University) |
Peculiar velocity cosmology: redshift space distortion and kinetic Sunyaev Zel’dovich effects |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.10.17 10:00 am
Prajval Shastri (Raman Research Institute) |
Different Angles on Accreting Supermassive Black Holes |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.09.05 16:00 pm
Yin Li (Peng Cheng Laboratory) |
Differentiable and symbolic modeling of the Universe in the age of machine learning |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.07.11 16:00 pm
Qiuhe Peng (Nanjing University) |
超新星爆发的物理机制--磁单极驱爆 |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.07.11 10:00 am
Baitian Tang (SYSU) |
Gastronomi: Scrutinizing Galaxy-star cluster coevolution through chemo-dynamics |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.06.27 14:00 pm
Bing Zhang (UNLV) |
The Physics of Fast Radio Bursts |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.06.20 16:00 pm
Xiangxiang Xue (NAOC) |
Mapping the Milky Way halo using LAMOST |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.06.13 16:00 pm
Min Du (XMU) |
Deconstruction of Galaxies: Unveiling Disks, Bulges, and Stellar Halos |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.06.06 16:00 pm
Xin Wang (UCAS) |
Dissecting the Baryon Cycle and ISM Properties with JWST NIRISS and NIRSpec Spectroscopy |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.05.30 16:00 pm
Go Ogiya (Zhejiang University) |
Formation of dense filaments induced by runaway supermassive black holes |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.05.23 16:00 pm
Long Wang (SYSU) |
The Significant Influence of IMF on Star Cluster Dynamics |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.05.08 15:00 pm
Ruizhi Yang (SJTU) |
Gamma-ray view of the Milky Way |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.04.25 15:00 pm
Zhaoyu Li (SJTU) |
The Milky Way in the Era of Galacto-seismology |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.04.18 15:00 pm
Lin Zhu (Shanghai Observatory) |
Uncovering the assembly history of galaxies through population-orbit superposition modelling of IFU data |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.04.11 15:00 pm
Zheng Zheng (NAOC) |
Nearby Galaxies: A View from Optical to Radio |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.04.03 15:00 pm
Fan Liu (Monash University) |
Chemical Evidence of Planetary Ingestion in Binary Stars |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.03.29 15:00 pm
Tao Liu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) |
Pulsar Polarization Arrays |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.03.28 15:00 pm
Luca Visinelli (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute) |
Indirect Detection of the QCD Axion: Resonant Conversion in Neutron Star Magnetospheres |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.03.21 15:00 pm
Ran Li (NAOC) |
Mapping the dark matter universe |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.03.14 15:00 pm
Nan Li (NAOC) |
Astronomy in the big data era: exploring galaxy morphology with citizen science and machine learning - a case study |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.03.07 15:00 pm
Yidong Xu (NAOC) |
Probing cosmic dawn from the ground to the lunar orbit |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.03.06 15:00 pm
Xing Wei (BNU) |
Tide and magnetic field of star, exoplanet and exomoon |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.02.29 15:00 pm
Dong Lai (Cornell University) |
Dynamical Formation of Merging Compact Binaries |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2024.01.04 15:00 pm
Qingguo Huang (UCAS) |
Search for Gravitational-Wave Background in Pulsar Timing Array |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.12.21 15:00 pm
Yu Yu (SJTU) |
Seeking Lensing Effects from Counting Galaxies |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.12.19 15:00 pm
Marco Tailo (University of Bologna) |
RGB mass loss from the study of the Horizontal Branch morphology |
Video Conference
2023.12.07 15:00 pm
Zhongxu Di (SJTU) |
Emulate the untapped scales of cosmic large scale structure |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.11.30 15:00 pm
Hongxin Zhang (USTC) |
Uncovering the formation of compact dwarf galaxies |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.11.23 15:00 pm
Xuening Bai (Tsinghua University) |
Gas dynamics and planet formation in the outer protoplanetary disks |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.11.15 15:00 pm
Alessandro Sonnenfeld (SJTU) |
Weighing galaxies with strong gravitational lensing |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.11.14 15:00 pm
Yunlang Guo (NJU) |
Formation and evolution of peculiar pulsar binaries |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.11.09 15:00 pm
Haining Li (NAOC) |
Exploring the early Milky Way with metal-poor stars |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.11.07 15:00 pm
Yanbin Yang (Paris Observatory) |
Dedicated hydrodynamical simulations of M31, Magellanic stream and dwarf galaxies |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.11.03 10:00 am
Karl Gebhardt (University of Texas) |
Initial Results from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment |
Video Conference
2023.11.02 15:00 pm
Xiaodian Chen (NAOC) |
Measure distances based on periodic variable stars |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.10.26 15:00 pm
Rainer Spurzem (University of Heidelberg) |
Using supercomputers to search for black holes in globular and nuclear star clusters |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.10.19 15:00 pm
Zhicheng He (USTC) |
Research on High-velocity Broad Absorption Line Outflows in Quasars |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.09.21 15:00 pm
Xuesong Wang (THU) |
Understanding Exoplanets Through High-Precision Spectroscopy |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.09.14 15:00 pm
Yongzhi Cai (YNAO) |
Exploring the variety of red transients |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.09.07 16:00 pm
Enci Wang (USTC) |
Understanding the galaxy formation and metal-enrichment in the view of gas-regulator framework |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.08.22 15:00 pm
Rony Keppens (KU Leuven Belgium) |
Multiphase dynamics in the solar corona: rain and prominences |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.08.18 16:00 pm
Yi-Fu Cai (USTC) |
Relics of nonperturbative resonances when the universe was born |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.07.03 15:00 pm
Lin Yan (Caltech) |
Making Movies of the Night Sky |
SWIFAR Building Conference Room
2023.06.28 15:00 pm
Hamsa Padmanabhan (Universite de Geneve) |
Deciphering Cosmic Dawn: A Conquest of the Final Frontier |
Video Conference
2023.06.21 15:00 pm
Alok Gupta (SHAO) |
Multi-wavelength Variability and Quasi Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) in Blazars |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.06.15 15:00 pm
Qinghui Sun (Tsinghua University) |
Stellar physics from lithium in open clusters |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.06.14 10:00 am
Ji-An Jiang (USTC) |
Catching the First Light of Type Ia Supernovae: Opportunities and Challenges of Time-domain Surveys |
SWIFAR Building 1113
2023.06.08 15:00 pm
Qiuhe Peng (NJU) |
关于“黑洞”问题的争论 |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.05.25 15:00 pm
Bin Yue (NAOC) |
To detect the 21 cm global spectrum from the Cosmic Dawn: single antenna and interferometer |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.05.24 15:00 pm
Gui-Rong Liang (South University of Science and Technology) |
Gravtion-Photon Conversion in Atoms and the Detection of Gravtions |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.05.18 15:00 pm
Dheeraj Pasham (MIT) |
Repeating Nuclear Transients as Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral Candidates |
Video Conference
2023.05.11 15:00 pm
Lijing Shao (KIAA-PKU) |
Testing Gravity Theories with Pulsars |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.04.27 15:00 pm
Jonathan Mackey (DIAS) |
Wind-Blown Nebulae from Single and Binary Massive Stars |
Video Conference
2023.04.13 15:00 pm
Martin Pohl (DESY) |
Cosmic-ray acceleration at, and non-thermal emission from, supernova remnants |
Video Conference
2023.04.04 15:00 pm
Lijie Liu (DTU) |
How Galactic Environments regulate Giant Molecular Clouds |
Video Conference
2023.03.30 15:00 pm
Yanping Cong (SHAO) |
Using Ultra-long wavelength to research absorption and distribution of the free electrons |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.03.23 16:00 pm
Yi Mao (THU) |
Epoch of Reionization and its Cosmological Probes |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.03.09 16:00 pm
Hengxiao Guo (SHAO) |
AGN Continuum Reverberation Mapping |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.03.02 16:00 pm
Ziang Yan (Institut, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Universitätsstr) |
Cosmic star-formation history with cosmic infrared background cross-correlations |
Video Conference
2023.02.23 16:00 pm
Jirong Mao (YNO) |
Transients: multi-messenger and multi-wavelength study |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2023.02.16 14:00 pm
Qingwen Wu (HUST) |
The multiband variability of changing-look AGNs and hint for physical mechanism |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2022.12.08 16:00 pm
Junsong Cang (IHEP,CAS) |
Signatures of excess radio background on reionization 21cm signal |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2022.12.01 16:00 pm
Yuji Chinone (KEK) |
The search for primordial gravitational waves with CMB experiments in the Atacama desert and space |
Video Conference
2022.11.18 16:00 pm
Weikang Lin (SJTU) |
Cosmological hints for new physics: theories and tests |
SWIFAR Building 1115
2022.11.01 14:00 pm
Renbin Yan (Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
Towards Precision Astrophysics for Warm Ionized Gas |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2022.10.27 16:00 pm
Hakim Atek (IAP) |
Probing the first galaxies and cosmic reionization with the James Webb Space Telescope |
Video Conference
2022.10.20 16:00 pm
Nagisa Hiroshima (Toyama University) |
Structure of halos and its importance in gamma-ray search of DM |
Video Conference
2022.10.13 16:00 pm
Tomonari Michiyama (Osaka University) |
ALMA detection of parsec-scale blobs at the head of kiloparsec-scale jet in the nearby Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068 |
Video Conference
2022.09.22 16:00 pm
Jiajun Zhang (SHAO) |
21cm Intensity Mapping with BINGO |
Video Conference
2022.09.16 12:30 pm
Ye Feng (NAOC) |
Using X-ray continuum-fitting to estimate the spin of MAXI J1305-704 |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2022.09.08 16:00 pm
Minglei Tong (National Time Service Center) |
脉冲星时间建立与应用 |
Video Conference
2022.09.08 12:30 pm
Jiewen Chen (HUST) |
Gravitational-wave Detection by Pulsar Timing Array |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2022.06.30 16:00 pm
Guoliang Li (PMO) |
Simulation for the Chinese Space Station Telescope Main Survey |
Video Conference
2022.06.23 16:00 pm
Ping Zhou (NJU) |
Supernova remnants and magnetars in the dense interstellar medium |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2022.05.25 16:00 pm
Junxian Wang (USTC) |
The intrinsic variability of AGN |
Video Conference
2022.05.19 16:00 pm
Martin Krause (University of Herfordshire) |
The Local Bubble |
Video Conference
2022.05.12 16:00 pm
Zhengxiang Li (BNU) |
Exploring the Universe with Fast Radio Bursts |
Video Conference
2022.05.09 15:00 pm
Chenxu Liu (University of Texas at Austin) |
The Active Galactic Nuclei in the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX) |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2022.04.28 16:00 pm
Paulo Montero (Tsinghua university) |
Unveiling the astrophysics of reionization in the post-reionization era |
Video Conference
2022.04.21 16:00 pm
Kana Moriwaki (University of Tokyo) |
Deep Learning Application for Reconstruction of Large-Scale Structure of the Universe |
Video Conference
2022.04.14 16:00 pm
Saurabh Singh (RRI) |
On the detection of a cosmic dawn signal in the radio background |
Video Conference
2022.04.07 16:00 pm
Yuan-Sen Ting (ANU) |
On Modelling Complex Systems in Astronomy |
Video Conference
2022.03.17 16:00 pm
Sherry Suyu (MPA) |
Cosmology and Stellar Physics with Strong Lensing |
Video Conference
2022.03.10 16:00 pm
Chon Sunmyon (Tohoku University) |
Transition of the initial mass function in the metal-poor environments |
Video Conference
2022.03.03 16:00 pm
Xing Lu (SHAO) |
Pushing ALMA to its limit: long-baseline, multi-band, high-frequency, and polarization observations of star forming regions in the Galaxy |
SWIFAR Buliding 2111