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Colloquium on Jun. 14, 2023

Catching the First Light of Type Ia Supernovae: Opportunities and Challenges of Time-domain Surveys

Speaker: Jian Ji-An (USTC)

Venue: SWIFAR Building 2111

Time: 10:00 AM, Wednesday, Jun. 14, 2023


Despite their importance as cosmic distance indicators, the nature of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is not yet clear. Photometric information of SNe Ia within a few days of their explosions ("early-phase SNe Ia") plays a crucial role in addressing the long-standing progenitor and explosion mechanism issues, and a breakthrough has been made with the "MUlti-band Subaru Survey for Early-phase SNe Ia" (MUSSES) in 2016. In this talk, firstly I would like to give you a general idea of studying early-phase supernovae with time-domain surveys and then introduce recent scientific outcomes from deep (Subaru/HSC) and high-cadence (Kiso/Tomo-e) wide-field surveys. In the second part of the talk, I am going to talk about the importance and strategies of running time-domain surveys with 1-2m class telescopes in the upcoming Rubin/LSST era.



South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU