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中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心团队访问梦飞巡天望远镜 A Delegation from the Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited Mephisto
中国西南天文研究所举办新生欢迎会暨国庆晚会 2024 Welcome Ceremony and National Day Holiday Party held at SWIFAR
云南天文台—中国西南天文研究所联合研讨会在昆明顺利召开 YNAO-SWIFAR Joint Workshop on Stellar Astrophysics and Time-domain Astronomy held in Kunming
银河系及近邻星系多波段全色时域研究研讨会 Multiband Photometric Time-Domain Research Seminar on the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies
天文大数据研讨班第二期:高分辨率光谱 Astronomy Big Data Exploration Camp (ABDEC) II: High Resolution Spectroscopy
第三届云南大学天文学优秀大学生暑期夏令营活动顺利举行 The 3rd Summer Camp in Astronomy of Yunnan University Held
国家重点研发项目“基于LAMOST 巡天的银河系研究” 子课题三“银盘的动力学演化”科学讨论会 National key Research and Development Project "Milky Way Research based on LAMOST Sky Survey" Sub-topic 3 "Dynamic Evolution of the Silver Disk" Scientific Seminar
云南广播电视台采访岛袋隼士副教授 Interview with Associate Prof. Hayato Shimabukuro by Yunnan Radio and Television Station
云南广播电视台采访“梦飞”团队—寻梦星空 Interview with Mephisto Team by Yunnan Radio and Television Station
中国西南研究所新春祝福 The Seasonal Greetings from SWIFAR
“梦飞巡天望远镜发布首帧国际真彩色天图”入选2023年“云南大学十大科技进展” “Mephisto team releases the world first true-colour celestial image” was awarded the 2023 YNU Top 10 Science and Technology Advances
国际首台多通道测光巡天望远镜(梦飞) 在丽江高美古天文观测站建成,实现蓝黄红三通道同时出光 Mephisto, the first of this type in the world, finished construction at Gaomeigu, Lijiang, and realized the first light in blue, yellow and red channels simultaneously
中国西南天文研究举办新教师、新生欢迎会暨中秋-国庆晚会 2023 Welcome Ceremony and Mid-Autumn – National Day Holiday Party Held at SWIFAR
第二届云南大学天文学学科优秀大学生暑期夏令营活动顺利举行 The 2nd Summer Camp in Astronomy of Yunnan University Held
巡天大数据分析研讨班第一期: 恒星参数测定召开 The 1st Astronomical Big Data Exploration Camp: stellar parameter determination and calibration, held at SWIFAR
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South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU