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  银河系结构、形成和演化 Structure formation and evolution of the Milky Way
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银河系结构、形成和演化 Structure, formation and evolution of the Milky Way


Galaxies are building blocks of cosmic structures. Understanding their assembly history and the mechanism underlying the multiple morphological structures and physical properties is one of the challenges in the 21st century. The Milky Way galaxy is uniquely important in galaxy studies. It is the only one that we can resolve its individual stars and perform detailed studies about the 3D spatial and velocity distributions, stellar ages and chemical compositions.


Being a major scientific facility developed in China, LAMOST (also named the Guoshoujing Telescope) has 4000 fibers that have made it possible to conduct systematically spectroscopic survey for the Milky Way. In the period of LAMOST Phase-I (2012-2017) Regular Galactic Surveys, near ten million high quality spectra have been taken, which is currently the largest spectral database in the world. Among others, the LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anticentre (LSS-GAC) was initiated and designed by our group. At present, we have obtained a statistically complete sample of few million stars distributed in a significant volume of our Galaxy in a contiguous sky area.

本团组进一步利用自己发展的方法,开发了一套适合LAMOST银河系光谱巡天的大气参数(Tefflog g[Fe/H][alpha/Fe][C/Fe])、视向速度(Vr)的自动测量流水线LSP3,并将获得的参数与其它星表数据相结合(如Gaia),构建包含恒星多维度相空间(三维位置、三维速度、元素丰度、消光、年龄)信息的增值星表。基于增值星表,本团组开展了一系列围绕银盘结构、星族组成及其化学运动学性质和演化、银河系引力势和物质分布(包括暗物质)的前沿研究,为理解和阐释银河系(及一般星系)的形成和演化提供了新的细致可靠的观测依据和约束条件。此外,基于LAMOST获取的海量光谱,我们还发现和证认了一批具有特殊研究价值的稀有天体。

We have developed an automatic parameter determination pipeline, LSP3, to derive stellar atmospheric parameters and line-of-sight velocities. Together with external datasets, such as Gaia, we have constructed value-added star catalogs containing 3D spatial positions and velocities, chemical compositions, interstellar extinctions and stellar ages. Based on our unique value-added catalogs, we have carried out a series of frontier studies on structures, stellar populations, chemical compositions, kinematics of the Galactic disk. We have explored in detail the gravitational potential and matter distribution, including the dark matter, of the Milky Way. Our studies have made significant contributions to enhance the understanding of the assembly of the Milky Way and other galaxies. In addition, with the huge amount of spectra taken by LAMOST, we have successfully discovered a number of rare and highly interesting objects, such as hypervelocity stars.


代表性论文(Selected publications):


South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU