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The astronomy parallel session of the first "DongLu" Youth Scholar Forum held at SWIFAR


在分论坛上,刘晓为教授介绍了中国西南天文研究所的发展状况及未来规划,来自德国马克思普朗克天体物理研究所、孟加拉南北大学、慕尼黑大学、那不勒斯费德里克二世大学、上海交通大学、香港大学等国内外高校和研究机构的青年天文学者分别作学术报告,与会青年学者围绕国际前沿进行了广泛的学术探讨与交流,并就与多通道测光巡天望远镜 (Mephisto) 的合作展开了若干讨论。


Aiming to further enhance the development of the university toward "Double World-Class", the first "DongLu" Youth Scholar Forum was held from June 9 to June 10, 2018, at Yunnan University. Young scholars from different countries came together to share the frontier developments of science, and to promote possilbe collaborations with Yunnan University. The astronomy parallel session of the forum was held at SWIFAR in the afternoon of June 9.

Six young scientists from Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany, North South University, Bangladesh, University Observatory Munich, Germany, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China and The Unversity of Hong Kong, China, joined the session. They gave presentations about their researches and discussed potential collaborations with SWIFAR



South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU