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Colloquium on Sep. 10, 2020

Cosmological implications of the eBOSS DR16 observations

Speaker: Gongbo Zhao (NAOC)

Venue: Video Conference

Time: 15:00 PM, Thursday, Sep. 10, 2020


I will review the progress of the eBOSS galaxy survey, and present the data analysis and cosmological implications of the DR16 data sample, which includes ~1M spectra taken for the luminous red galaxies (LRGs), emission line galaxies (ELGs) and clustering quasars (QSOs). eBOSS allows for a multi-tracer analysis, which improves constraints on the RSD and primordial non-Gaussianty, due to a suppression of the cosmic variance on large scales. I’ll focus on the multi-tracer analysis between the LRGs and ELGs and discuss the cosmological result.

Report PPT:  SWIFAR_Gonbo Zhao.pdf

附件【SWIFAR_Gonbo Zhao.pdf已下载


South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU