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Colloquium on Sep. 19th, 2019

The Spiral Structure of the Milky Way

Speaker: Ye Xu (PMO)

Venue: Room 2111, SWIFAR Building

Time: 10:00 AM, Thursday, 19th September, 2019


Currently, the high accurate astrometry is carrying out an important scientific object mapping the Milky Way Using trigonometric parallax, two large projects, the Bar and Spiral Structure Legacy BeSSeL Survey and the Japanese VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry, are mapping up to 500 maser sources associated with star forming regions in recent years, with accuracies typically about 20 uas and some as good as 5 uas The aim is to construct the spiral structure and three dimension 3 D) motions of the Milky Way, and then determine the rotation curve and distribution of dark matter based on the motions.



South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU