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Colloquium on Mar. 15th, 2018

PSZ2LenS: weak lensing analysis of a complete sample of galaxy clusters for cosmology

Speaker: Giovanni Covone (University of Naples "Federico II")
Venue: Gewu 4410
Time: 3:00 PM, Thursday, 15th March, 2018

Abstract: Galaxy clusters play a fundamental role in observational cosmology. Hence, it is very important to build and characterize complete samples of these systems. I will present such a sample PSZ2LenS, based on the Planck galaxy cluster catalog, and the first results from the weak lensing analisys. I will discuss the scaling relations, the detection of the so-called second-halo term and finally the prospect for measuring cosmological parameters in current and next decade surveys.

Speaker Introduction:

Giovanni Covone is an associate professor at the Physics Department of the University of Naples "Federico II". He is interested in the study of the nature and distribution of dark matter, of the evolution of cosmic structures, and the evolution of the scientific thought. His main research area is the study of the properties of dark matter and gravitational lensing.

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South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU