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Lunch talk on Feb. 19th, 2018

The influence of host galaxies in type Ia supernova cosmology

Speaker: Syed Ashraf Uddin (紫金山天文台 / Purple Mountain Observatory)

Venue: Gewu 4410

Time: 11:00 AM, Monday, 19th February


The late time cosmic acceleration is caused by an unknown energy source, termed dark energy.  Currently, cosmological constraints, that are determined using SNe Ia, have large systematic uncertainties. One such source of systematic is the correlation between SNe Ia and their hosts.  I will present the effect of host galaxies on the properties of SNe Ia and cosmological parameters. I will also present the progress of the Dark Energy Survey that aims to discover ~3500 SNe Ia to shed light on the nature of dark energy.



South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU