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SWIFAR research team reveals radial density distribution and size of the Milky Way galaxy




       该项研究延续本团队之前工作的研究思路(https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-01977-z ),开拓了银河系整体物理性质测量、银河系-河外星系交叉对比研究新的维度,研究成果将对银河系相关研究产生重要影响。

       该工作已发表在《自然天文学》(Nature Astronomy)杂志上,题目为《银河系偏离指数的盘径向分布与较大半径》(The broken-exponential profile and larger size of the Milky Way galaxy),文章链接:https://rdcu.be/dL3z5 。云南大学中国西南天文研究所连建辉副教授是文章第一作者和唯一通讯作者,参与该研究的合作者包括Gail Zasowski副教授(犹他大学)、陈丙秋教授(云南大学)、Julie Imig博士(新墨西哥州立大学)、王涛(云南大学)、Nicholas Boardman博士(圣安德鲁斯大学)、刘晓为教授(云南大学)。


Figure 1. Left: Schematic illustration of a face-on view of the Milky Way galaxy. Middle: Radial luminosity surface density distribution of stars of different ages and all stellar populations in the Milky Way Galaxy. Right: Position of the Milky Way galaxy in the mass-radius diagram of galaxies.

    The Milky Way galaxy, our home, allows us to analyze its evolution history by observing a large number of individual stars (the basic building blocks of galaxies). However, due to our position within the Galaxy and past observational limitations, our understanding of the overall structure of the Milky Way has long been incomplete, akin to "not knowing the true face of Mount Lu while being on the mountain." In a recent study led by Associate Professor Jianhui Lian from South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research (SWIFAR), Yunnan University, researchers utilized data from the APOGEE near-infrared stellar spectroscopic survey to reconstruct an unprecedentedly wide radial density distribution of stars from the inner to the outer regions of the Galaxy, directly measuring the Galaxy's radius and opening a new window into understanding its overall structure and evolution.

     One of the primary challenges in studying the Galaxy's structure is that our solar system is nearly located on the Galactic plane, where dust extinction severely hampers observations towards the main parts of the Galaxy, namely the inner disk and the Galactic center, rendering optical wavelength astronomical observations futile. Given that dust extinction diminishes rapidly for longer wavelength photons, observations in the near-infrared regime can largely alleviate this issue. Leveraging the first large-scale near-infrared stellar spectroscopic survey - APOGEE, researchers conducted a comprehensive analysis of the unevenness of APOGEE survey observations, dust effects, and stellar properties, systematically reconstructing the true and comprehensive surface density distribution of stars of different ages in the Galaxy from the bulge to the outer disk.

     The results indicate that the Galactic disk structure in the outer disk region (R > 24,000 light-years, with the Sun located at R ~ 26,000 light-years) conforms to a classical exponential distribution. However, in the inner disk region (11,000 < R < 24,000 light-years), the stellar density remains nearly flat, significantly deviating from the exponential distribution of the outer disk. This finding overturns the long-standing assumption of a single exponential disk for the Galaxy, thus having a significant impact on measuring many key physical properties of the Galaxy as a whole. For instance, based on the assumption of an exponential disk in the past, it was found that the Galaxy's radius (~10,000 light-years) was extraordinarily smaller compared to galaxies of similar mass, classified as a compact galaxy. However, based on the new stellar surface density distribution, it is discovered that the Galaxy's radius is nearly twice the previous estimate (~19,000 light-years), almost in line with the radius of nearby galaxies of similar mass, indicating that the Galaxy is a typical disk galaxy in terms of size.

     This study continues the research of the team's previous work (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-01977-z ), expanding new dimensions in measuring the overall physical properties of the Milky Way galaxy and comparing the Milky Way galaxy and extragalactic galaxies. The research findings will have a significant impact on related studies of the Milky Way galaxy.

    This work has been published in Nature Astronomy journal under the title "The broken-exponential profile and larger size of the Milky Way galaxy" – Link to the article: https://rdcu.be/dL3z5 . Associate Professor Lian Jianhui from Yunnan University's Southwest China Astronomical Research Institute is the first author and sole corresponding author of the paper, with collaborators including Associate Professor Gail Zasowski (University of Utah), Professor Bingqiu Chen (Yunnan University), Dr. Julie Imig (New Mexico State University), Tao Wang (Yunnan University), Dr. Nicholas Boardman (University of St Andrews), and Professor Xiaowei Liu (Yunnan University).



South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU