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  招聘教师 Faculty Positions
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The South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research (SWIFAR) at Yunnan University (YNU), Kunming, PR China invites applications for faculty positions of all ranks (tenure-track assistant professors, tenured associate and full professors), and post-doctoral fellows, starting on September 1, 2018. We seek qualified applicants in all branches of astronomy and astrophysics.

The newly established SWIFAR is intended to be an international center of excellence in astronomy and astrophysics research that promotes basic research in China with the highest international standards. The programs of SWIFAR focus on studies in three major areas of astronomy and astrophysics: a) the interstellar medium and the local universe; b) galaxies and cosmology; and c) high energy phenomena and fundamental physics. It is designed to be a forum for global scientific exchange, an incubator for innovative projects, and a training center for national and international postdocs and students. Borrowing from the successful experiences of other institutions, a variety of academic activities and programs are routinely organized to stimulate the research. 

Being one of the 42 top universities that the Chinese government strives to build world-class disciplines and universities (“double world-class”), YNU plans to build a first-rate astronomy discipline of the highest international standing. Together with colleagues in the Department of Astronomy of School of Physics and Astronomy, successful candidates are expected to develop forefront research programs and engage in student training.  

RANK:  Faculty positions of all ranks, and post-doctoral fellows 

SALARY: Depending on qualifications and experience.  

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D., or equivalent, in Astronomy, Physics, Planetary Sciences or related field completed or expected by effective date, a demonstrated record of research excellence and potential. Candidates of all nationalities are encouraged to apply.  

POSITION AVAILABLE: September 1, 2018   

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a brief summary of research achievements and future plan, as well as teaching experience and interests, and three letters of recommendation (all letters will be treated as confidential documents). It is the responsibility of the applicant to see that all materials, including letters of appraisal, be sent to:  

Dr. Xiangyun LI 

Administrative Deputy Director 

South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research 

Rm 4403, Ge Wu Building Yunnan University, Kunming 650500 

P. R. China 

Email: xyli@ynu.edu.cn  

CLOSING DATE: Applications received prior to June 15, 2018, will receive full consideration.



South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU